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Video Capture

Overview This screen is where the live feed from any cameras will be visible to the operator. There are several icons here that display different information depending on the status of the  MVS . See the image below for an overview: Training Video Screen Controls The screen controls page allows for indepen…

Power On and Standby

Power On To power on the BWC, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until the BWC says, "hello." The following occurs once the BWC is powered on: * The Battery Status LED will turn on (Green or Red depending on the percentage remaining). * The BWC will say, "hello." * If enabled, Pre-record will begi…

Start Recording and Mark

Start Recording To start recording,  press  the  center button  once ( single press ). The following occurs once a recording has started: * The  BWC  will say, " recording ." * The  recording status LED  will begin to  blink red . * If enabled, any  Pre-record ed event will be added to the recording automatical…

Covert Mode

Power/Covert Mode Button This feature is utilized when discretion is needed during a recording or when the operator simply doesn't want the recording screen visible, e.g. at night. This feature turns off the following items*: * CU-D50 . * Backlight on the physical buttons. * Recording indicator light on the fron…

Stop Recording and Categorizing

Stop Recording To stop recording,  press and hold  the  center button  for approximately 3 seconds or  until the  BWC  says, " stop recording ." The following occurs once a recording has stopped: * The recording status  LED  will turn  off . * If enabled,  Pre-record  will begin automatically at the specified in…


How to Login For a  User  to log into the  MVS , first they will need to accept the Getac  EULA . This is made available to all users the first time they  log into   Getac Enterprise . Once that has been accepted, the  EULA  will never be prompted for again. Training Video Note: * Use the  same credentials  as…

Covert Mode

Overview The purpose of  Covert Mode  is to enable the operator to use their  BWC  as discreetly as possible. This is usable in a variety of situations where visual or audible notifications may negatively impact the operator. Caution: It is highly recommended that users are well accustomed to the features and func…

Categorizing Assets

Overview Once a recording has been stopped, a list of Categories will appear, prompting the  User  to choose which most applies to the recording. Each  Category  will have a corresponding  Retention  time for how long that  Asset  or  Asset Group  will be kept on the server before it automatically purges. The  Reten…


Introduction The Getac Mobile Video Solution (MVS), or in-car video system (ICV), typically includes: * A DVR, such as the VR-X20 or VR-X20 F1. * CU-D50 * A front-facing camera, such as the NF21-146, NF-22, or NF-42. * A backseat camera, such as the NF21-146IR * And optionally either a: * Wireless microphone …

Mute On and Off

Mute On To  mute all audio  being recorded, the  BWC  must  first be recording , then the  mute button  must be pressed for approximately 1 second and released. The  BWC  will then say, " mute on ." The following occurs when a recording is muted: * Audio will no longer be recorded. * A  Bookmark  will be placed …

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