When news is available, such as new Getac EVM website updates, DVR software updates, firmware and/or EC updates, Masterdock software and BWC firmware updates, this information will be communicated via our mailing list called “The Dispatch”. If you are not already receiving this newsletter and wish to sign up for The Dispatch, please fill out the form on this Link.
Latest firmware and software versions can always be found and downloaded from Getac Video Customer Files
If you have any questions regarding specific versions of Software or Firmware, or any instructions linked below, please contact [email protected] to automatically generate a ticket and we will assist with any questions or processes.
Getac Website Updates
If you are a Self-hosted customer (IE: the servers are on your premise), it is important to check your version against the version listed in The Dispatch at least once per quarter. If an update is available, please contact [email protected] to schedule a server software update.
If you utilize the Getac Cloud infrastructure, we will keep the servers up to date when updates become available and the update is deemed necessary for your specific server.
VRX10 and VRX20 devices should be kept up to date. The IRSA Software version should be updated whenever new releases are made available and communicated to you via The Dispatch. New software versions can be pushed to the DVRs remotely via the Getac Website. To check the currently installed version on your DVR’s, utilize the Units page, and filter the “Type” column for “Car”.
BIOS and EC updates are not as frequently updated, but should be checked against The Dispatch for the latest information regarding the versions or at least once every 6 months. To check current EC and BIOS versions on your devices, utilize the EC Version, BIOS and Display Report from the Dashboard.
To perform DVR software updates via the Getac EVM Website, please follow the instructions listed here
To perform VR-X20 EC version updates, follow the instructions here
Masterdock software versions should be checked at least once per quarter to keep the devices up to date and functioning properly. Information regarding updated versions will be posted via The Dispatch. The process to update Masterdock software can be done remotely via the Getac Website by following the instructions here. To check your currently installed Masterdock Software versions, utilize the Units page and filter the “Type” column for “Masterdock”.
BC02, BC03, and BC04 devices have different firmware versions. The BC02 firmware will change less frequently than the BC03 and BC04 at this time. For BC02, check at least every 6 months and for the BC03 and BC04, check monthly for updates. As above, information regarding BWC firmware changes will be provided via The Dispatch. BC02, BC03, and BC04 devices can have their firmware updated remotely. To check the currently installed Firmware versions on your BWC’s, utilize the Units page and filter the “Type” column for “Body” (You can filter the number “2” or “3” or “4” as well, depending on which BWC version you currently utilize).
For Cloud hosted customers, Getac will regularly upload BWC firmware updates to the server, which can then be pushed out to the units remotely. It is advised that you push the updates out to 1-2 units first, test and make sure everything is working nominally, then proceed with 10% of the fleet, 25% of the fleet, and finally, with the remainder of the fleet. This is done by finding the BWCs on the Units List, selecting the Options (cog wheel icon) and choosing "Change Version", and selecting the appropriate version to update the cameras to. The cameras will then update when they are docked, offloaded, and sufficiently charged.
The NF-21A comes in a few varieties of configurations, mainly the NF-21A-146 and NF-21A-146IR. All NF21A cameras utilize the same firmware versions, and the firmware should be checked on your fleet at least once per year, or if any updates are noted in The Dispatch regarding any firmware changes. To utilize our update processes on the website, please follow the instructions found here
The NF-22 Dual Lens camera firmware version should be checked once every 6 months, or compared against any latest updated provided via The Dispatch.
To utilize our update processed from the Getac EVM Website to update an NF-22 camera firmware, please follow the instructions found here