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Home > Compute Articles > Software > Running Benchmark Test on Discrete NVidia
Running Benchmark Test on Discrete NVidia
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Q: When I try to run a benchmark test on the discrete NVidia VGA card it only runs the test on the internal Intel. How do we allow it to run the test only using the NVidia Discrete VGA Card?


A: Please follow the below steps:

  1. Open the NVIDIA control panel (Right Click Desktop and click NVidia Control Panel)
  2. Under "Select a task" open "3D settings" and select the "Manage 3D settings" option
  3. On the right hand side click the "Program settings tab"
  4. Under "Select a program" click "Add"
  5. Browse to the PerformanceTest executable. The default location is C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest\.
  6. These steps will need to be repeated for the following files in this folder that you plan to run the tests for
    • PerformanceTest32.exe or PerformanceTest64.exe depending on your Windows version, if you are unsure, adding both will cause no harm.
    • PT-D3D11Test.exe
    • PT-D3D12Test.exe
    • BitonicSort.exe
    • Fluid3D.exe
    • Mandel.exe
    • QJulia4D.exe
    • oclParticles.exe
  7. Under the "Select the preferred graphics" section choose "High-performance NVIDIA processor" and click Apply
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