Jan 13, 2025
The Video Player provides a method of reviewing Assets captured and uploaded to Getac Evidence. Other menu items and tools are also available. Watch the training video below and see the images afterward for more details.
Training Video
See the image below for an overview:
- Asset ID - Asset's filename
- Asset Hierarchy - only appears for the Primary Asset.
- Asset Types - Provides information on the Asset’s media type, such as:
- Videos
- Images
- Documents
- Other
- Actions Menu - provides the following additional options:
- Exit Button - closes the Asset Detail page.
- GPS Location - a map with the historical location of the device during the recording.
- Additional Controls -
- Settings - Enable additional tools or modify metadata overlay
- Enable Annotations
- Enable Notes
- Enable Overlay
- All Metadata Overlays
- Time Stamp
- Sensors
- GPS Coordinates
- Speed
- Notes - Add a note to the video.
- Bookmarks - Add a Bookmark with reference to the playback timeline
- Layouts - Change camera layout
- Single
- Side by Side
- Videos on Side
- Grid up to 4
- Grid up to 6
- Side Data Panel - Turn the right-side data panel on/off
- Settings - Enable additional tools or modify metadata overlay
- Unit ID - Customizable designator for a device, e.g., A body-worn camera or in-car video system.
- Show More - Displays the following pages:
- Asset Metadata Info
- See More Assets
- Audit Trail
- Playback Speed Controls - Speed up or slow down the video playback.
- Player Controls - Left to Right with Hotkeys:
- Back Frame by Frame - ←
- Rewind - Shift + [
- Play/Pause - Space Bar
- Fast Forward - Shift + ]
- Forward Frame by Frame - →
- Volume Controls - ↑↓, M (mute)
- Scrub Bar - A graphical interface element in video players that allows users to navigate a video's timeline by clicking or dragging a cursor along a horizontal bar representing the video's duration.
- Video Player - Displays the video in the desired layout.