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This article showcases features that are typically only made available to Administrator roles.

However, since Getac Enterprise is highly configurable, the ability to complete tasks described in this article may be different for each User, depending on policy. Please contact an administrator with all access questions and concerns.


Items covered in this section are informative only and do NOT explain how to set up each agency's specific permissions. Many configurations of permissions are possible and unique to each deployment. Contact [email protected] for assistance.


Profiles define the areas of Getac Enterprise that are accessible to a role and User. The profile screen shows a list of all defined access options, along with a description, assigned roles, and Users. The assignment of a profile to a role is mandatory when creating a user role. Optionally, a profile can also be assigned directly to a User, which will override the profile from the role.

Once a profile has been created, administrators can add the necessary permissions for the associated role.

See the image below for how to access the Profile page:

Ex. How to Access the Profiles Page

Add or modify existing Profiles

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the Page icon or select template from the list, then click on the Wrench icon.

  2. From the Profile Detail page, first, provide the following on the left side of the page:
    1. Name - Profile name, e.g. Officer, Station Admin.
    2. Description - Optional.
    3. Station Group - Select Station that Profile will apply to.
    4. *Copy Profile - Copy all permissions from a pre-existing Profile.

      Copy profile only appears when creating a new Profile. 
  3. Select from the list of permissions on the right side of the screen
  4. Click on Save to finalize.
After creating a Profile, it must be applied to a Role for permissions to apply to created User Accounts. See Add new User for how to create a new User account.


List of all permissions



View Capturing Clients Allows viewing of Units that are recording from Stations > Click on Station > Capturing tab.
Add Station Allows a user(s) to create new stations in the active station group.
Edit Station Allows a user(s) to make changes to a selected station configuration.
Manage Email Template Allows a user(s) to edit email templates related to stations.
View Unit Configuration Template Allows a user(s) to see unit configuration templates associated with the station. See Unit Configuration for more information.
Add Unit Configuration Template Allows the user to create new unit configuration templates from Stations > click on Gear icon > Unit Config Template
Edit Unit Configuration Template Allows a user(s) to modify a selected unit configuration template.
Delete Unit Configuration Template Gives a user(s) access to delete a selected unit configuration templates.
View Stations Allows a user(s) to see all Stations in the station group.
View Email Reasons Template Allows the user to see the list of ‘reason’ responses for sharing an asset via email.
Add Email Reason Template Gives the user access to add responses to the list for sharing an asset via email.
Edit Email Reason Template Gives the user access to manage existing responses to the list for sharing an asset via email.
Delete Email Reason Template Gives the user access to delete selected responses to the list for sharing an asset via email.
View Asset View Reasons Template Allows the user to see the list of ‘reason’ responses for viewing an asset.
Add Asset View Reason Template Gives the user access to add responses to the list for viewing an asset.
Edit Asset View Reasons Template Gives the user access to manage existing responses to the list for viewing an asset.
Delete Asset View Reason Template Gives the user access to delete selected responses to the list for viewing an asset.


View Units Allows the user to see the list of all assigned units and view an assigned unit’s information.
View Unit Heartbeat Allows the user to see an online unit’s status from the Units page.
View Unit File Upload Status On the unit page when selecting a unit shows the “unit status” menu item.
Unit Configuration Grants access to see and use the Unit Configuration (configuration tab on the unit page, wrench (edit) icon for the selected unit, and “configuration” menu item for the selected unit).
Unit Assignment Grants access to see and use the Unit Assignment function (assignment tab on the unit page and “assignments” menu item for the selected unit).
View Unit Log Gives the user access to see unit logs.
View Unit Desktop Image Gives the user access to see the Desktop tab on the unit detail page.
Retry Uploading FTP Files Allows access to the file upload status menu item and the retry option.
Deactivate Unit Grants the user access to deactivate units.
Merge Unit Allows the user to merge existing unit data with a new replacement unit.
View un-assigned Units Allows the user to see all units not assigned to a user.
Assign Update Package Ability to push over the air updates, e.g. .NET updates.
View Update History Ability to see the list of implemented over the air updates.
Create Unit Allows the user to add new units to the station.
Edit Unit Allows the user to modify unit configuration and information for selected units
Move to Archive Deprecated
Export and Move to Archive Deprecated


View Dashboard Grants user access to see the dashboard page (required if the user profile home page is set to the dashboard)
Save Dashboard Save filter selection on the dashboard.
Asset Status Grants access to view the Asset Status dashboard widget.
Unit Status Grants access to view the Unit Status dashboard widget.
Assets Captured Grants access to view the Assets Captured dashboard Area Chart.
Assets Categorized Grants access to view the Assets Categorized dashboard Pie Chart.
Categorizations Grants access to view the Categorizations dashboard Pie Chart.
Hours of Video Captured Grants access to view the total hours of recorded video for Station per day.
Average Video Duration Grants access to view the average length of recorded videos for Station per day.
Most Active Users Grants access to view the Most Active Users dashboard table.
Most Active Units Grants access to view the Most Active Units dashboard table.
Least Active Users Grants access to view the Least Active Users dashboard KPI table.
Least Active Units Grants access to view the Least Active Units dashboard KPI table.
Most Active Enterprise Users Grants access to view logged in users by total visits (percentage).
Unit Exceptions  Access to view unit application error counts.
Plate Captured DO NOT USE
Plate Captures by Units DO NOT USE
Plate Captures by Users DO NOT USE
Plate Alerts by Units DO NOT USE
Plate Alerts by Users DO NOT USE
Tickets by Units DO NOT USE
Tickets by Users DO NOT USE
Storage Stats Grants access to view the Storage Used (GB) dashboard Area Chart.

System Settings

Send Email with Internal URL Grants permission to send system-generated emails with links back to Getac Enterprise from within the DMZ.
Send Email with Public URL Grants permission to send system-generated emails with links back to Getac Enterprise.
Edit License Info Grants user access to input license keys to unlock/modify various Getac Enterprise modules.


View Report For System Exception & Failures Access to view all logged application error details.
View Report For Unit Configuration Changes Grants access to view (and export) the Unit Config Changes report.
View Report For Enterprise Log Grants access to view (and export) the Enterprise Log report.
View Report For System Access Grants access to view (and export) the Enterprise Access Log report.
View Report For Unit Log Grants access to view (and export) the Unit Log report.
View Custom Report Grants access to view (and export) all custom reports.
View Report For Custom Forms Grants access to view (and export) the Custom Forms report.
View Report For Unit Access Log Grants access to view (and export) the Unit Access Log report.
View Report For Unit Exceptions Log Grants access to view (and export) the Unit Exceptions Log report.
View EC Version BIOS and Display Report Grants access to view (and export) the BIOS & EC Unit report.
View FOTA Updates Grants access to view (and export) the Unit Over-the-air software update report.


View Users Grants access to see the list of all system users.
Add Users Grants access to create new system users.
Update Users Ability to edit your own user profile information.
Activate and Deactivate Users Allows the user to activate or deactivate the selected user account(s).
Manage User Profile When using native Enterprise accounts (not AD), grants access for the user to see and change their user account information.
Manage User Sharing Allows a user(s) to specify which users can or cannot see your assets.
View System Generated Users See a list of system generated users.
Change Guest user email Access to change the email account for guest notifications.
Users Import Grants access to use the bulk user import via CSV function.
Unlock Accounts Grants access to unlock selected, locked user account(s).
Deactivate Accounts Allows the user to deactivate the selected user account(s).

Asset Management


Email Video Link Grants access to share assets (secure viewing link) to internal/external email recipients.
File Upload Status Access to the File Upload Status page from the Global Navigation Assets menu.
Download Media Access to download media.
Assign Category Types to Media Allows the user to add (assign) category tags to the selected asset(s).
View Media recorded by self Grants access to view assets recorded by the current logged-in user.
Export Media Content Grants access to the basic file and metadata export options for assets.
Retain Media Allows the user to extend the retention period for the selected asset(s).
Lock Media Allows the user to restrict asset viewing by locking asset(s) to specific roles or the lock permission group.
Edit Category Form Allows the user to edit their own from entry responses.
Initiate Upload Grants access to start the asset upload process for pending assets.
View Media Grants access to see assets (required if the profile home page is set to Assets page).
Add Asset to Group Allows the user to upload external files and media directly to the selected asset group.
Video Redaction Allows users to access the redaction tools for the selected asset.
View Media recorded by InCar only users Grants permission to view any asset recorded on an InCar unit type (DVR).
Allow Viewing Locked Adds the user to the “Lock” permission group. This allows the user to see locked assets.
Download Media on Email Grants access to see and use the “include download link” checkbox on email shared assets. 
Allow Unlocking Grants user access to unlock locked assets.
View Blackbox Videos Gives the user access to see Assets on the BlackBox Videos tab on the detailed unit page.
Asset Preview Required to view video playback. Grants access to view the thumbnail video preview windows.
Manage Asset User Assignments Ability to be able to change the assigned user on a selected asset(s).
Metadata Overlaid Video Allows the user to export video assets with embedded metadata overlays.
RequestAudioMerge Allows the user to export a video asset with embedded audio from a selected audio source in the asset group.
Email Link Sent Log Grants access to view the email link sent log.
Revoke Email Access Allows the user to revoke access to recipients of shared asset email links.
Lock Media By Role Grants access to lock assets using the lock by role function. Allowing the user to lock assets by role hierarchy.
Edit Category Form Allows the user to edit their own from entry responses.
Create Zip as a new Asset The user can select multiple assets in the asset table to be combined in a single zip file that will be created as a new asset.
View File Upload Priority  
Edit File Upload Priority  
Request Asset Transcription Grants the user access to generate a new audio transcription request for assets.
View Asset Transcription Grants the user access to view available audio transcriptions for assets.
Edit Asset Transcription Allows the user to modify audio transcription data.

Guest Media

View Media recorded by guest user of the assigned station Grants access to view assets recorded as ‘guest’ under the same station assignment as the current user.
View Media recorded by guest user of the assigned units Grants access to view assets recorded as ‘guest’ and share the same unit assignment as the current user.
View Media recorded by guest user of the assigned groups Grants access to view assets recorded as ‘guest’ and share the same group assignment as the current user.
View Media recorded by guest user of all groups Grants access to view assets recorded as ‘guest’


Media Viewed Log Report Grants access to view (and export) the Assets Viewed report.
Media Shared Report Grants access to view (and export) the Assets Shared report.
Media Bookmarks Report Grants access to view (and export) the Bookmarks report.
Media Unviewed Log Report Grants access to view (and export) the Asset Unviewed report.
View Report For Media By User Grants access to view (and export) the Assets by User report.
View Report For Media By Unit Grants access to view (and export) the Assets by Unit report.
View Report For Media Acquisition & Retention Grants access to view (and export) the Assets Acquired report.
View Storage by Unit report Grants access to view (and export) the Storage by Unit report.
View Uncategorized Assets Report Grants access to view (and export) the Uncategorized Assets report.
Evidence Audit Trail Report Ability to export the asset history to a PDF.
View Storage by User Report Grants access to view (and export) the Storage by User report.
View Deleted Assets Report Grants access to view (and export) the Deleted Assets report.
View Missing Videos Report Grants access to view (and export) the Missing Videos report.

Upload Policy

View Upload Policy Grants access to see the list of upload policies.
Add Upload Policy Grants access to create new upload policies.
Edit Upload Policy Grants access to modify existing selected upload polities.
Delete Upload Policy Grants access to permanently remove selected upload polities.

Upload Asset

View Upload Asset Screen Grants access to see the Upload Asset menu option and screen where users can manually upload external assets (files and video) to Getac Enterprise.
Save Uploaded Asset Grants access to enter metadata information for Uploaded assets.
Upload Asset to Server Grants access to manually upload external assets (files and video) to Getac Enterprise.
Assign Multiple Owners to Uploaded Asset Allows the user to assign additional (other) users to the uploaded assets, other than just themselves.

Cut/Copy Asset

Copy Asset Allows the user to select an asset (or child asset) and paste a copy into another asset group.
Cut Asset Allows the user to select a child asset, remove it from the current asset group, and paste it into another asset group.
Set as Master Asset Grants access to swap a selected child asset as the master for an asset group.

Manage Categories

View Categories Grants access to view the administrative Categories list under the setup > Category From menu.
Add Category Allows the user to create a new category.
Edit Category Allows the user to modify a selected category.
Remove Asset Category Allows the user to remove assigned categories from an asset

Case Management


Assign Cases to Media Allows the user to tag cases to a viewed/selected asset.


View Cases Grants access to see the Cases page, listing all cases, and to view individual cases.
Add New Case Grants access to create a new case file.
Email Case to Guest Allows the user to generate an email sharing request for case viewing by external users.
Case Deleting Grants access to permanently delete just the case file metadata. Tagged Assets will not be deleted.
Case With Evidence Deleting Grants access to permanently delete both the case and all associated assets.
Edit Case Id Allows the user the ability to enter their own custom Case ID.
Edit Case Title Allows the user the ability to enter their own custom Case Title.
Case Email Updates Control Permission Grants user access to toggle if case watchers receive an email update upon saving each case update.
View All Cases Grants access to only see and review a case.
Edit Watchers Group Grants access to see and modify case watcher assignments and set group watcher read, read/write permissions.


Features listed in the ALPR section are for legacy products, deprecated, and should not be used.

Plate Capture

View Plate Captures DO NOT USE

Hot List

View HotList DO NOT USE
AddHotlist DO NOT USE
Edit HotList DO NOT USE
Delete HotList License Plate DO NOT USE
Add HotList License Plate DO NOT USE
Edit HotList License Plate DO NOT USE


View HotList Data Source DO NOT USE
Add HotList Data Source DO NOT USE
Edit HotList Data Source DO NOT USE
Edit Data Source Mappings DO NOT USE
Run HotList Data Source DO NOT USE


View Report For ALPR Plate Notifications DO NOT USE
View Report For ALPR Captures DO NOT USE

License Plates

View License Plate DO NOT USE
Add License Plate DO NOT USE
Update License Plate DO NOT USE
Delete License Plate DO NOT USE

Plate Notifications

View Plate Notifications DO NOT USE

Live Video


View Live Stream from Unit Tab Grants access to see and use the Live Stream tab on the Unit viewer page.
View Live Streaming Grants access to see and use the Live Video page (header navigation tab).


Email Unit Live View Link Allows the user to generate a sharing link to view the unit live view feed.
View Live Unit Activity Grants access to view the GPS breadcrumb map next to the live view player window.
Start/Stop Recording Grants user access to remotely start and stop unit recording via live streaming.
Open DVR Front Door If the correct sensor event is applied, this allows the user to remotely open the DVR USB storage door from the live stream player.


Features listed in the ALPR section are for legacy products, deprecated, and should not be used.


Analytics Map

View Categories on Map If the station is configured to use Google Maps, it allows the user to see/use the Show Category Pins function.
View Client Saturation on Map Grants access to use the map filter/search to generate a heat map.
View Live Unit Activity on Map Allows the user to see live AVL unit GPS positions on the map.
View IRSA Category on Map Grants access for the user to select a category pin and see the asset preview and asset viewing links for categories created in Getac Enterprise.
View Category Media on Map Grants access for the user to select a category pin and see the asset preview and asset viewing links for externally imported categories (Ex. from CAD system).
View License Plates DO NOT USE.
View Analytics Map Grants access to see/use the Analytics Map page.

Real-time Map


Units Location (Real Time) Grants access to see/use the AVL Map page.

Setup and Config


Add FTP Allows the user to create a new FTP configuration location for asset upload.
Update FTP Allows the user to edit an existing FTP configuration location(s) for asset upload.
View FTP Allows the user to see the FTP configuration table/page is settings.

Sensors & Events

Add I/O Event Grants access to created new I/O sensor events for templates.
Update I/O Event Grants access to edit existing I/O sensor events for templates.
View I/O Event Grants access to see the list of I/O sensor events for templates.
Delete I/O Event Grants access to permanently remove selected I/O sensor events for templates.

Manage Versions

Add Version Grants access to create a new software/firmware version on the Configure Versions page.
Edit Version Grants access to modify a selected software/firmware version on the Configure Versions page.
Add Irsa Update Grants access to the Configure Version page “Upload File” menu option to add an MSI file for the version update.
Edit Irsa Update Grants access to the Configure Version page “Upload File” menu option to change/re-upload an MSI file for the version update.

System Settings

Edit Global Variables Grants access to view and manage the Global Variables list.
Edit Map Keys Grants access to view and manage Google and Bing map API configuration keys.

Sensors & Events Template

View I/O Template Grants access to created new I/O sensor event templates.
Add I/O Template Grants access to edit existing I/O sensor event templates.
Edit I/O Template Grants access to see the list of I/O sensor event templates.
Delete I/O Template Grants access to permanently remove selected I/O sensor event templates.

Manage Forms

View Metadata Form Grants access to see the Forms page/list under the Category Forms menu.
Add Metadata Form Grants access to create new category forms.
Edit Metadata Form Grants access to modify selected category forms.
Delete Metadata Form Grants access to permanently delete selected category forms.
Manage Metadata Form Fields Grants access to see the Form Fields and Data Lists pages/lists under the Category Forms menu.
Add Metadata Form Field Grants access to create new category form fields and data lists.
Edit Metadata Form Field Grants access to modify selected category form fields and data lists.
Delete Metadata Form Field Grants access to permanently delete selected category form fields and data lists.

Retention Policy

View Media Retention Policy Grants access to see the Retention Policy pages/lists under the Policies menu.
Add Media Retention Policy Grants access to create a new Retention Policy.
Edit Media Retention Policy Grants access to modify selected Retention Policies.
Delete Media Retention Policy Grants access to permanently delete selected Retention Policies.

User Permissions

View User Role Grants access to see the Roles page under the Permissions menu.
Add User Role Grants access to create a new user role.
Update User Role Grants access to edit/modify a selected user role.
View User Group Grants access to see the User Groups page under the Permissions menu.
Add User Group Grants access to create a new user group.
Update User Group Grants access to edit/modify a selected user group.
View User Profile Grants access to see the Profiles page under the Permissions menu.
Add User Profile Grants access to create a new user profile.
Update User Profile Grants access to edit/modify a selected user profile.

Host URLs

View Host Urls Grants access to see the System URLs page under the System Settings menu.
Add Host Urls Grants access to create new station URL mappings.
Update Host Urls Grants access to edit/modify a selected URL mapping.

IRSA Mail Server

View Mail Server Grants access to see the Mail Server page under the System Settings menu.
Add Mail Server Grants access to create a new email server configuration.
Update Mail Server Grants access to edit/modify a selected email server configuration.
Delete Mail Server Grants access to permanently remove a selected email server configuration.

Crawler Settings

View Crawler Settings Grants access to see the Crawler page under the System Settings menu.
Add Crawler Job From the Jobs tab, Grants access to create new scheduled search crawler jobs.
Edit Crawler Job From the Jobs tab, Grants access to modify a selected scheduled search crawler job.
Unschedule Crawler Job From the Schedulers tab, Grants access to start/stop a search crawl scheduler.
Edit Scheduler Settings From the Schedulers tab, Grants access to modify a search crawl scheduler.
View Crawler Logs Grants access to see the Logs tab on the Crawler page.

Password Rules

View Password Rules Grants access to see the Password Rules page under the System Settings menu.
Add Password Rules Grants access to create new station password rules.
Edit Password Rules Grants access to edit/modify selected password rules.

Active Directory

Manage Active Directory Grants access to see the Active Directory setup menu and manage LDAP configuration along with associating Active Directory groups with Getac Enterprise Roles.

Unit Update

Upload Auto-update Asset Grants access to create new Unit Update Assets.
Manage Auto-update package Grants access to create/edit/modify a selected Unit Update Packets.


Add WiFi Grants access to create a new station Wi-Fi configuration.
Update WiFi Grants access to edit/modify selected Wi-Fi configuration.
View WiFi Grants access to see the Wi-Fi page under the System Settings menu.

2FA Device Authentication

View 2-Factor Device Authentication Grants access to view and save (remember) 2-factor Authentication.
Delete 2-Factor Device Authentication Grants access to clear saved (remembered) 2-factor Authentication.

System Default

View Default Dates Grants access to see the Default Date Range page under the System Settings menu.
Add Default Date Grants access to create new default date ranges.
Edit Default Date Grants access to edit/modify a selected default date range.
Delete Default Date Grants access to permanently remove a selected default date range.

Manage RTCC Datasource

View RTCC Datasource Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to view data sources used for Getac Command (RTCC). Shows the RTCC setup menu.
Create RTCC Datasource Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to create new data sources used for Getac Command (RTCC).
Edit RTCC Datasource Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to manage (edit/update) data sources used for Getac Command (RTCC).
Delete RTCC Datasource Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to delete selected data source(s) used for Getac Command (RTCC).
Manage RTCC Datasource Connections Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to manage (create/edit/delete) connections between data sources.
Upload JSON Schema Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to upload data source JASON Schema for a selected data source.
Upload Marker Image Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to upload (add) new images to be used as map pin markers.
Static Datasource Inputs Dependent on RTCC module license: Can manage the schema for static data sources.
CAD Data Update Dependent on RTCC module license: Can manage the interval and connection for receiving CAD Data Updates.
Datasource Map Markers Library Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to view and assign map pin markers to data sources.
Manage Datasource Viewing Assignments Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to control what user groups have access to see (use) individual data sources.
Add User Group Assignment Dependent on RTCC module license: Can assign what user groups can manage individual data sources.
Remove User Group Assignment Dependent on RTCC module license: Can assign what user groups can delete individual data sources.


View Announcement Grants access to see the Announcements page under the System Settings menu.
Add Announcement Grants access to create a new log-in announcement. 
Edit Announcement Grants access to edit/modify a selected log-in announcement.
Delete Announcement Grants access to permanently remove a selected log-in announcement.

CAD Integration

View CAD Sync Grants access to view the CAD sync configuration screens.
Edit CAD Sync Grants access to make changes to the selected CAD sync configuration(s).
View CAD Data Mapping Grants access to view the CAD Data Mapping configuration screens.
Edit CAD Data Mapping Grants access to make changes to the CAD Data Mapping configuration(s).
Delete CAD Sync Grants access to remove to selected CAD sync configuration(s).
Add CAD Sync Grants access to add (create) new CAD sync configuration(s).
Add CAD Data Mapping Grants access to add (create) new CAD Data Mapping sync configuration(s).
Delete CAD Data Mapping Grants access to remove to selected CAD Data Mapping configuration(s).

In Car


Media - Save As Grants access to save recorded media (asset) files on the DVR to a USB drive in the front storage bay.
Media - Burn to DVD Grants access to save recorded media (asset) files on the DVR to a DVD using the built-in Windows DVD burning software.
Hardware Monitoring Grants permission to change checkbox options in windows service screen and MVS Application Settings Screen.
Enable Uploading Allows the user to initiate the upload of assets on the DVR to Getac Enterprise.
Allow uploading on any connection Overrides Category Upload Policies and allows assets to be uploaded on any available connection.
Allow auto-launch on Live Stream Will auto-launch the application window when Live Stream is initiated.
Open Front Door Grants access to open the front USB storage door with a key.
Ask Password before opening the front door Requires the user to re-enter their password before opening the front USB storage door.
Allow user to close the application Grants access to close the MVS application (grants access to use native Windows).
Allow access body-worn BlackBox media Allows the user to view the Blackbox video recording on the BWC from the Wearables tab.
Can assign BW camera Allows the user to assign logged-in users to a connected BWC.
View Media Grants access to see and use the playback tab to view recorded assets.
Tag Media Grants access to assign categories to recorded assets.
Allow User To Put Video On Hold Enable the Hold button and option to change asset upload priority to Hold.



View RTCC Dependent on RTCC module license: Grants access to view the RTCC header navigation tab.

Alert Window

View Grants access to open and view the Alerts window.
Create Grants access to add (create) a new data source alert.
Edit Grants access to modify the selected alert configuration.
Activate Deactivate Allow the user to toggle the active state of existing alerts.

Alert Notification

Delete Grants access to permanently remove selected alerts from the notification panel.


View Allows the user to see the notification panel and alert pop-ups.




View Grants access to open and view workspaces.
Create Grants access to add (create) a new workspace (personal or global).
Delete Grants access to permanently remove the selected workspace.
Duplicate Grants access to duplicate the selected workspace.
Rename Grants access to change the name of the open workspace.

Viewer Window

View Grants access to open new viewer windows or see existing viewer windows.
Delete Allows the user to move, resize, or close an open viewer window.

Map Window

View Grants access to open new map windows or see existing map windows.
Create Grants access to add (create) a new map windows.
Delete Grants access to permanently remove the selected map window.
Manage Layers Allows users to add, remove, and modify data source layers on maps.

Data Table Window

View Grants access to see existing data tables.
Create Grants access to open (create) a new data tables from open map windows.
Export Grants access to permanently remove the selected map window.
Manage Columns Allows users to add, remove, and modify data source columns in the data table.

All Windows

Edit Grants access to resize, maximize/minimize, and/or dock/undock windows in a workspace.
Move Grants access to move open window(s) to another workspace.
Duplicate Grants access to create a duplicate of the selected window to another workspace.
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Custom PIN Entry
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