Mar 07, 2024
This article showcases features that are typically only made available to Administrator roles.
However, since Getac Enterprise is highly configurable, the ability to complete tasks described in this article may be different for each User, depending on policy. Please contact an administrator with all access questions and concerns.
However, since Getac Enterprise is highly configurable, the ability to complete tasks described in this article may be different for each User, depending on policy. Please contact an administrator with all access questions and concerns.
The information listed here is to explain this feature. This is configured by the Getac implementation teams and should NOT be modified without first contacting [email protected]. Getac is NOT responsible for data loss or interruption of services due to improper configuration of this feature.
Global Variables are used to set key configuration values, globally across the entire Getac Enterprise implementation, i.e. Stations and Station Groups.
See the image below for how to access the Global Variables page:
Variable Summary
Friendly Name | Key | Description |
Toggle Advanced Redaction | AdvancedRedaction | Enable or Disable using the Advanced Redaction Suite |
Advanced Redaction Storage Key | AdvancedRedactionAzureStorage | Access code for using advanced redaction cloud storage. |
Toggle Self-Sign-Up Feature | AllowSelfSignUp | Enable or Disable using the Self Enrollment User Creation Tools |
Days to keep Assets in the Archive FTP folder | ArchivedMediaThresholdInDays | Number of days to keep evidence file in the archived folder |
Auto add Redactions to case | AutoTagCaseInRedactedVideo | Automatically tags case in Redacted video in case of original video has a case. |
The path for Axon Asset import | AxonBodyWornVideosPath | Axon body-worn Videos Path |
Search Crawl default batch size. | BatchSizeforBulkInsert | Batch size for Bulk Insert from Crawler |
Disable BC-02 BWC BlackBox Recording Functionality. | BC02DisableBlackBoxFeature | Show and Hide Black Box Setting in BCO2 Configuration |
FTP Drive location for the crawler to search. | CrawlerFTPLocation | Enter the physical drive location where FTP uploads are stored that will be picked up by the crawler service. |
Processor Threads dedicated to the Transcode Service | CrawlerTranscodedThreads | Indicates the maximum processor threads that will be dedicated to the service to transcode all video files. |
Exception Alert Email Address | ExceptionEmailList | Email address to send Expectation Email alert messages to. |
HLS Live Stream URL | HLSLiveStreamURL | URL used for the Live Streaming Service. |
Days to keep Assets in Host folder | HostUploadedAssetFolderThresholdInDays | The threshold in days for Host Uploaded Asset Folder Media |
Storage location for user imported assets. | HostUploadedAssetsLocation | Server Folder that will be used for storing uploaded files via the Upload page. |
FTP drive space minimum | MinimumFTPDriveSpace | Minimum disk space (GB) on FTP drive |
Partial Upload Retention Days | PartialUploadAssetsThresholdInDays | The threshold in days for Partial Upload Assets. |
Advanced Redaction Download Path | RedactionServerDownloadPath | The URL path for retrieving processed redactions. |
Advanced Redaction Server IP | RedactionServerIp | Server location for Advanced Redaction processing. |
Export ZIP as asset Retention Policy | RetentionPolicyIdForExportZip | The retention policy, that will be applied to newly created zip assets. |
Trash Retention Length | SoftDeleteExpiration | Soft delete expiration days |
Twilio Account SID | TwilioAccountSID | Twilio Account SID |
Twilio Token | TwilioAuthToken | The Twilio account authentication token used for SMS 2-Factor Authentication |
SMS Sending Phone Number | TwilioPhoneNumber | Twilio account Phone Number used to send SMS 2-Factor Authentication. |
Minimum Supported MVS Application Version | UnitConfig_MinCarVersion | Required. The minimum InCar version that can be used with this deployment of Getac Enterprise. |
Modifying Variables
To modify a global variable, check the desired variable row and click on the Wrench icon. From the dialog window, the value and description of the global variable can be modified. Click on Update when finished
See the image below for an example: