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Station Email Templates
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This article showcases features that are typically only made available to Administrator roles.

However, since Getac Enterprise is highly configurable, the ability to complete tasks described in this article may be different for each User, depending on policy. Please contact an administrator with all access questions and concerns.



To view or modify the default email templates, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Main Stations page.
  2. Check the box to the left of the desired Station.
  3. Click the Gear icon, then Email Template.
  4. Check the box to the left of the desired template.
  5. Click the Wrench icon to view the template.

Each template and their corresponding functions are as follows:

Metadata only sharing

Template Key = AssetContents

This template is used when sending asset metadata to the specified email recipients.


Case Update Notification

Template Key = CaseNotification

Informs Case Watchers that the Case has recently been updated (modified).


Change Default Password

Template Key = ChangeDefaultPassword

Email that includes a temporary User account password and instructions to set a unique personal password.


New User Activation Notification

Template Key = CreateUser

An introduction email with instructions to activate a new User account. 



New Account Created Notification

Template Key = CreateUser

Informs the user that a new Getac Enterprise account has been created for them.



Device Authentication

Template Key = DeviceAuthentication

Informs that a new device has been registered to Getac Enterprise.


External Email Asset Sharing (individual Asset)

Template Key = EmailSyndication

Sent when an individual Asset is shared from the Main Assets page.



Reset Password Request Notification

Template Key = ForgotPassword

Sent when attempting to reset an account password with a link and instructions.



External Email Case Sharing 

Template Key = GuestEmailForCase 

When sharing Cases via email, the email recipients will receive this message.


Template Key = LiveViewLink

When sharing access to view a Unit’s live view feed, email recipients will receive this message.



External Email Asset Sharing (multiple recipients)

Template Key = MultipleEmailSyndication

Sent when multiple Assets are sent from the Main Assets page.



General System Notification Messages

Template Key = Notification

Generic Getac Enterprise system messages will be sent with this template.



Password Change Request 

Template Key = PasswordChange

When changing a User account password, the User will receive this notification.



Advanced Redaction Job Created

Template Key = RedactionAnalysis

This indicates that an advanced Redaction has been sent to the system for processing.



Request to view GETAC Evidence Media 

Template Key = RequestMedia 

Custom template for interview room solutions.



Request for Overlaid Metadata Video Export has processed notification

Template Key = RequestOverlaidVideo

When a submitted overlaid metadata video export request has been processed, the User will receive this email with a link to the processed Asset.



Request to Redact Video has processed notification 

Template Key = RequestRedaction

When a submitted video Redaction has been processed, the User will receive this email with a link to the processed Asset.



Request to Export selected assets as a ZIP file

Template Key = RequestZipping

This indicates that the User has requested the selected Assets be processed into a zip file to be exported from Getac Enterprise.



Access Revoked to an external email shared asset 

Template Key = RevokeEmailSyndication

If a shared asset via email access is revoked, the User will receive this email.



Action Required to complete account Security Questions

Template Key = SecurityQuestionLink

Informs a new User that they must complete their security questions to finalize the account.



New Self-Sign Up Confirmation

Template Key = SelfSignUp

Welcome email to new self-signup User to complete User registration and sign up.



Failed Services Report Email 

Template Key = ServiceRequestFailedQueue

Sends an email report of service requests that have failed.



Request to view Transcoded Media 

Template Key = TranscodedMedia

Custom template for interview room solution.



Request to Transcription Analysis

Template Key = TranscriptionAnalysis

Notifies the recipient that a Transcription for an Asset has completed with a link to the Asset.



Unit Merge Operation Completed notification

Template Key = UnitMergeCompletion

Informs the User (that initiated) a Unit merge operation, that it has completed and the newly merged Unit is ready.



Two-Factor Authentication Code 

Template Key = UserAuthentication 

Authentication confirmation code email.

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